7+ Test Automation Best Practices: Step by Step Guide for a Smooth Testing
Getting bug-free software is undoubtedly a precondition in the field of digital marketing. Whether it’s a plugin or theme, manual testing can be a messy approach to pick. That’s why software engineers should prefer automation testing.
To help you out, we have featured efficient test automation best practices in this article. Along with the common mistakes, a developer must escape while doing automation tests. You will get a complete guide for those in a dilemma in choosing the best approach. Let’s read to know more.
8 Test Automation Best Practices for Software Developer

Doing the best automation test practices is not an easy task. Check the listed steps required for the best software automation tests. These are:
1. Build a Test Automation Plan
You need to follow a strategy in terms of automation tests. Every successful venture starts with a strategy. After setting a plan, the team can set a timeframe. Make sure you have the following factors under your control:
a) Gather the Resources
Keep all the tools ready before testing in terms of machines and software.
b) List the Test Type
Sort out the automation test types and gives maximum output
c) Accept Uncertainty
Avoiding the tests gives poor results rather than you should accept that there could be some uncertain results. Though finding errors is common, try to choose the test that gives the maximum impact.
d) Select the Manual Test
Some tests have to be done manually, like UX test, exploratory test, app accessibility test, anti-automation features, OS native feature, or flaky functionality test. Because automated tests may give inappropriate results.
2. Select the Test Type

Manual test motives can be messy since it is impossible to automate every test. You have to list down the test which will benefit you the most. The tests are able to handle large volumes of data. In terms of functionality, the test has to be robust and maintainable. To choose the best approach, follow the factors listed below:
a) Ability to Handle Vast Data
Constant tests that can handle vast amounts of data. They should be able to manage your software load.
b) Runs on Multiple Platforms
Prioritize the tests that can run on multiple platforms.
c) Focus on Function
Tests emphasizing frequently used functions are a go-to choice for an efficient automation test.
d) Risk Analysis
Do risk analysis before selection to mitigate the chance of failure.
Also Read: Right Way to Do Software Test Report
3. Divide the Tasks
When you are performing a test, it can’t be done alone. So it’s better to divide the task among the teammates according to their level of experience and skills. Some tests are based on the QA engineers’ skill levels. Make sure you are considering the following facts:
a) Pick an Automated Testing Tool
Choose an automated testing tool that has a way to produce computerized tests which will not need an in-depth knowledge of scripting languages.
b) Communicate More with The Team Members
You must collaborate on your automated testing project with other QA engineers in your department.
c) Go for Manual Script Writer
If your test requires manual scripting, look for an expert script writer.
d) Divide the Tests into Small Sections
Create several simple automated tests so that you can group your tests into one, more extensive automated test
e) Add Manpower
Don’t appoint a single engineer. Automation tests are teamwork. You won’t be able to operate it alone.
4. Go for the Right Automated Testing Tool

Selection of the right automated testing tool is the preliminary step next to testing. Since there are a lot of testing tools in the market, choose the test that meets all your requirements.
a) Observe the Nature of Software
The application you are launching is web-based or mobile-based. Considering the platform, select the software you will use for the test.
b) Care for the Programmers Comfort
Be careful about the languages, frameworks, and tools that match your programmer’s comfort and experience.
c) Consider the Budget
Decide the budget constraints you will be able to afford. So choose if it’s Open Source or Not. There are loads of testing tools that come with no charge.
5. Establish an Automated Environment

In this step, set up an automated environment. Choosing a stable and reliant environment is essential for successful test automation. It is one of the test automation best prctices for software testing. To ensure that, maintain the following facts:
a) Develop Identical Test
For consistency, the automated environment should be identical to the stage environment.
b) Mask Your Data
Your selected data is part of your testing procedure. So the data should be masked.
c) Emphasize Test Resistance
Ensure that the best practices before writing test cases are resistant enough to automated system changes.
6. Structure Test Automation

This is the task you should invest your knowledge in completely. While designing the test automation, you should follow the facts listed below:
a) Follow the Right Order
Regarding design, follow the right order of testing modules and cover both.
- The positive flow – where the flow is normal, and
- The negative flow – covers unauthentic attempts to enter into the software or any invalid data to flow across the application.
b) Develop Behavioral-Driven Development
Utilize user stories during script writing. This works efficiently to put testers and stakeholders on the same page.
c) Run and Verify Test
Before you finalize anything, run and verify your test several times to ensure it is working. Also, don’t forget to run the security test.
Read More: Appropriate Security Tools for Your Software
7. Operate Test Automation
This is the step where all your plans will come to real form. To run successful test automation, you must follow the facts listed below:
a) Parallelize the Automated Test
Avoid Automation of the test cases that don’t require any interdependency.
b) Use a Scheduling Tool
Now, use a scheduling tool to execute test cases in parallel. and operate the application/website under a stable network and server.
8. Track Results
In this step, you will track the results and finalize the success rate. Run the scheduling tool to measure the time and keep a count on the failures as well. Prioritize detailed and quality test reporting.
Mistakes One Should Avoid While Automation Testing

Since we have framed almost all the basic steps you need to follow during test automation, there are certain things you should care about while testing. These are:
Don’t Rush for the Best Automation
Try to choose the tool that fulfills your requirement. There are several automation tools in the market under the best tag; look at the one that fits your criteria.
Don’t Push Automation
You don’t need Automation in every case. Some case types go best with the manual process, and forcing Automation can be unnecessary and time-killing.
Avoid 100% Automation
Choosing 100% automation is not a good idea. This can alleviate your site/app’s growth. A balanced mixture of manual and Automation can be a good indicator of productivity. Besides automation, manual end-to-end testing is also necessary.
Plan Cost Strategically
Automation can save both your money and time. Since some automation tools can be expensive, choose the one you can afford.
FAQ on Test Automation Best Practices
Q1: What Are The Best Practices in Selenium Automation?
Answer: The following factors are considered the best practices in selenium automation. Here goes:
– Selecting the right locators
– Utilizing Page Object Model.
– Operating Selenium Tests on Real Devices.
– Take Screenshots when a Test fails.
– Keep the Browser Compatibility Matrix.
– Involving Wait Commands.
Q2: What Are the Basic Rules of Methodology of Automation?
Answer: Basic rules of the methodology of Automation are as follows. Here goes:
– Prioritize the correctness of your test
– Break the scenarios into simple, single-purpose, almost atomic flows
– Go for single-purpose tests
– The primary state of your tests should be consistent
Q3: How Can I Improve Automation?
Answer: You can improve Automation in the following way. These are:
– Increase and automate digital marketing
– Automate the financial process
– Enhance client communication
– Establish a custom app stack around your accounting platform
Q4: Can We Automate All Test Cases?
Answer: A specific type of test can be automated, like subjective tests.
Q5: When Should You Automate a Test?
Answer: This depends on your requirements. If your criteria fit the test type, then you should go for test automation.
Summing Up Automation Testing Best Practices
An automated test is the most brilliant way to operate your software. To do that, one must choose the test automation best practices.
Here in this article, we have featured software’s basic steps to follow during Automation. We believe this blog will help you in your role—best of luck.
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